AI in Entertainment: Engagement vs Quality

June 20, 2021

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made significant advancements in recent years, leading to revolutionary changes in various industries. The entertainment industry is no exception, where AI has been leveraged to produce content that is both engaging and high in quality. In this post, we will compare the use of AI in entertainment from the perspective of engagement and quality.

AI for Engagement

The use of AI in the entertainment industry has primarily been focused on enhancing user engagement. AI algorithms are being increasingly utilized to personalize content for viewers to keep them hooked. Industry experts have predicted that AI will revolutionize the way movies and TV shows are made and consumed in the future. Companies like Netflix and Amazon have already started utilizing AI to tailor their offerings according to users' preferences. Netflix's recommendation engine uses machine learning algorithms to suggest shows and movies to users based on their viewing habits. This has resulted in an increase in viewership and overall engagement.

AI for Quality

AI is also being increasingly used to improve the quality of content produced in the entertainment industry. Content creators are using AI to automate the editing process, to make it faster and more efficient, while maintaining the quality of the final output. AI-powered tools are being used to fix errors in audio and video recordings during post-production. But more than just automating the editing process, AI is also being used in the creation of new content. During the pandemic, many studios resorted to using AI to create content given the logistical challenges of shooting with a full production staff. For instance, the NBA used AI to generate crowd noise for basketball games that were played in empty arenas.

Engagement vs Quality: Which is More Important?

The entertainment industry is a wide and varied field, ranging from video games to movies and TV shows. Engagement and quality are both essential criteria for success in this industry, but to prioritize one over the other can lead to an imbalance in customer satisfaction. In some cases, such as gaming, engagement might be the ultimate goal while in others, such as the film industry, quality might be more valued. However, the two concepts are not mutually exclusive, and AI can be used to achieve both.


AI has played a significant role in revolutionizing the entertainment industry. It has brought about immense improvements in engagement by tailoring content and promoting user interaction. Simultaneously, AI has also been utilized in improving the quality of content by automating the editing process and creating new content. AI has also enabled the industry to adapt to changing circumstances, such as during the pandemic when studios were able to create content virtually. In conclusion, both engagement and quality are vital in the entertainment industry, and AI has the potential to help in achieving both.


  1. Abbasi, D. (2021). The Role of Artificial Intelligence in the Entertainment Industry. Retrieved from
  2. Jensen, M. (2020). AI in the Entertainment Industry: How Machine Learning and AI Are Changing the Game. Retrieved from
  3. Rosenthal, N. (2020). AI is Changing the Way Movies and TV Shows are Made and Consumed. Retrieved from:

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